Thursday, April 30, 2015

RUFFIAN MIRROR ... Voices - Portion 4

Sew your money shoe...
How you can't live with a few...

Why can't you see the midst...
That blows here everyday...

Heard that you have a robe of gold...
Heard how your soul was sold...

Do you remember the life with no needs...
Remember when you wore no labels...

I felt that highness within you...
She came like a diamond fur...

Told me she wants a little more...
A little more without me...

Remember the life with no needs...
Remember when you wore no labels...

Oh! The more without me...

Can't you see how barren comes to life..,.
How storms rise from the placid seas...
Worship comes from the times of innocence...

Then how could my times not have changed...

I am a.....Life of a storm of innocence in the seas...
Life of a storm of innocence in the seas...
Life of a storm of innocence in the seas...

Hey Majesty, so see me today...

Remember the life with no needs...
Remember when you wore no labels...



Monday, April 27, 2015

Write with Verity - Untimely Lesson Chp 1

A kid smoked his first joint when he was just 16 years of age, this was while with his friends he knew are into this yet he went with those kids to a place where he did that.
Why this happened?

This happened because of a vacuum within this kid which was a social and economical vacuum, to be true a vacuum of love and protection by the most important people in life.

Protection from unwanted enemies which were in the face of 9 members of a step family.

The kid saw an urge of establishing relations which were influencing enough as to protect him from the his step family as his father and mother were helpless to protect him from the humiliation and violence that happened as he grew to the age.

This all escalated as he took more drugs, started drinking and spending time with the people from the wrong side of town, he made influential friends and became rigid in his thoughts and beliefs where he had no more or little space for empathy towards humans or nature.

Everyday of life was a day ready to die or kill, ready for a new adventure, ready and thirsty for something new.

An unwanted extreme nature evolved within which erupted as hatred in his life.

Yet the enemies were still there influencing his life and yet he himself was destroying his life with drugs and alcohol along with the biggest poison he was feeding him, HATRED!

7th Sept 2008, after 3 years of this life....
He met someone who after a long time of 5 years made him feel something for someone...

The bold is one of the best journeys of his life and will be explained further yet to understand is that all stated above was the worst part of his life which he realizes today...

The only saviors he had and found was:

2. An angel of ALLAH...

Angels are the purest form of people in your life, to be pure it doesn't mean they have to be sin free. It is just that they will influence your life in a manner that will bring out the purity hidden within you.

Everyone is good, everyone is pure...
I never knew that i had it all within me but it was there, how can i thank the angel and how can i thank my Lord...

Sometimes i wonder why he even helped me, what good am i to anyone?
I have been a disappointment to everyone who has spend time with me...
Close people have told me that they are with me only because it is their choice, not that i am worthy of...
People for whom i am ready to die at any second of my life...
How can ALLAH love such a disappointment? :-)
The thought of this gives me shivers and tears.....

Yet he loved me so much, so just consider the love he has for you...
You are of course better than this kid....

Just once in your life, try praying and asking for forgiveness for whatever you've done from your Lord...
The peace and smoothness you will experience in every single of that tear will rip your worries apart...

It will give you true meaning...

No drugs, no alcohol, no woman, no music can give you the high that a single tear shed in front of your Lord will provide you....

What do you wait for my brother?????????????????????


Wednesday, April 15, 2015

RUFFIAN MIRROR ... Voices - Portion 3

Write me down...

Have you ever seen a blind man in a war...
Have you ever been with the leave fallen down...

Could you touch the moment in the star...
Could you hear the darkest wave yet to drown...,

Cause its just so timely...
Yet timely is life...

Have you ever heard the wind roar...
Could you say Thank you ...

Could you smell the pure soul...
Have you seen it escape the muzzle...

Cause its just so timely...
Yet timely is life...

O father, i just felt a discomfort...
The berm of my dream is all open...

O mother, i slumber with your pain...
The doorway for me yet to open...

O Lord, a sight.
O Lord, a glean.
O Lord, a scent.
O Lord, a touch.


Thursday, April 9, 2015

RUFFIAN MIRROR ... Voices - Portion 2

That girl gone.....
Along with the different wind...
Daft girl...
Swinging with time...
Another ring...

Are the seasons changing...
Or is it just the drift within me...
That cause the shiver...
Daft girl...

That girl gone.....
Along with the different wind...
Daft girl...
Swinging with time...
Another ring...

So, will the tides shift from now...
Is the change we pray to come...
For the time it is now...
When the heart is all numb...

Daft girl...
Swinging with time...
Another ring...

Daft girl...
Swinging with time...
Another ring...

Can you write what you did...
Can you speak the pain grid...
The reflection may come and go...
Yet the hummingbird is in the midst...

So, daft girl....
That's a nice one...
